Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Obama, Harry Reid, John Boehner To Meet At White House Late Wednesday

OBAMA: Now, after weeks of negotiations, we've now agreed to cut as much spending as the Republicans in Congress originally asked for. I've got some Democrats mad at me, but I said: You know what? Let's get past last year's budget; let's focus on the future.

So we've agreed to a compromise. But somehow, we still don't
have a deal, because some folks are trying to inject politics in what
should be a simple debate about how to pay our bills. I mean, they're stuffing all kinds of issues in there ? abortion and the environment and health care and ? you know, there are times to have those discussions, but that time's not now. Right now, we need to just make sure that we pay our bills and that the government stays open.

And if we don't reach common ground by Saturday, the federal government shuts down.

And some of you may not be that sympathetic.

You may say, well, you know, let it shut down. What do I care? But
here's the thing. When government shuts down, it means that that
small-business owner who's waiting to get a loan, suddenly nobody's there to process it. He may not get that loan and that business may not open. And whoever he was planning to hire, suddenly he may not have that job that he was counting on.

It may turn out that somebody who was trying to get a mortgage
can't have their paperwork processed by the FHA and now the person who was going to sell the house, what they were counting on, they can't get it.

Folks who were planning a vacation to Yellowstone, well, it turns
out national parks, suddenly you're closed. You're out of luck. You
may have to try to figure out if you can get your money back for that resort you were going to stay at.

I mean, you know, these ? these are things that affect ordinary
families day in, day out. And it affects our economy right at the
time when our economy is getting momentum. We had the best jobs report we had had in a very long time this past Friday. But you know what? Companies don't like uncertainty, and if they start seeing that suddenly we may have a shutdown of our government, that could halt momentum right when we need to build it up ? all because of politics.

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