Thursday, April 28, 2011

Just Say No

Praise be to Daniel Larison for keeping the Libya debacle in his headlights while everyone else is obsessing on deficit reduction or exciting polls showing that Sarah Palin could win the Republican nomination if every other candidate was alien-abducted. (H/t: Roy Edroso.)

Re Libya, Larison nails the inherent contradiction of democracies complaining about being unable to spread democracy at the point of the missile because democracy keeps putting on the skids. His take-off point is a piece from some think tanker chiding "good European countries" (particularly Germany) for declining to go along with military action against Gaddafi, siding instead with "the likes of Russian and China." Larison:

The insult comes in linking a position consistent with support for maintaining international peace to ?the likes of Russia and China,? as if the choice is between starting unprovoked wars or imitating authoritarian governments. Germany also chose to stand with ?the likes of India and Brazil,? and Poland and Turkey, among others, and yet for some reason critics often forget to mention that all of these democratic governments were firmly against military action in Libya. ..

It?s also worth pointing out that the German government ?failed? to support or join in the attack on Libya because it was reacting to very strong public opposition to military action. Germany?s ?failure? to support the war was a reflection of what its electorate wanted. Democratists never tire of telling us about the pacific virtues of democratic government, but as soon as any democratic government offers them some supporting evidence for this by refusing to start a war they are scandalized and horrified at how treacherous and weak that government is being. In the end, the Union-FDP coalition?s efforts to appeal to antiwar and anti-nuclear sentiment ahead of state elections proved to be a flop electorally, but there?s no question that the governing coalition would have fared worse had it approved or participated in bombing Libya. Unlike 2002-03, Germany was very circumspect in not denouncing its allies for what they doing, and it went out of its way not to impugn their motives. There was no way Germany was going to be able to participate in the Libyan war, but it did everything else that it could not to get in the way of the states that were intent on war. Instead of respecting Germany?s position, there has been considerable whining about German perfidy in the countries involved in attacking Libya.

Refusing to start unnecessary wars strikes me as eminently sensible, something more countries should practice.

On the domestic front, Larison makes a cogent case that, mock him though everyone will (and should), Mitt Romney is the most likely Republican nominee. Well, that sure won't make the fruitcakes happy, who already have so much to mourn.


Sean Hannity Harry Reid Mitch McConnel Rush Limbaugh George Bush

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