Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Middle East: After the Uprising

Dexter Filkins, The New Yorker
In early March, as tens of thousands of people were calling for revolution, Ali Abdullah Saleh, who has been the President of Yemen for the past thirty-three years, staged an enormous celebration of himself. Uprisings across the Middle East had already swept away two of Saleh’s peers and were threatening to bring down his own regime. In the capital, Sanaa, thousands of Yemenis filed into the Stadium of the Revolution, their loyalty insured by the promise of payments after the rally.

Source: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/2011/04/04/middle_east_after_the_uprising_253197.html

Queen Elizabeth II King Abdullah Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Omar al-Bashir Gloria Arroyo

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