Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Jenny Jones: the Green mayoral bid

When Jenny Jones became the Green Party's mayoral candidate for 2012, she stressed that she'd be "urging Londoners to use their vote to elect more Green [London] Assembly Members next year" and pledged to make "fighting cuts to housing benefit, the NHS and youth services a key part of my campaign to be Mayor." These are sound priorities for a candidate who won't pretend that she expects to win. But I hope very much that her manifesto sets out full and detailed programmes for all the key mayoral policy areas.

Why? Because I plan to take the Green campaign every bit as seriously as those of Boris Johnson and Ken Livingstone and therefore hope to have plenty of fully-fledged policies to examine. Because although Green politics have already had an important influence on both of London's mayors, that influence could grow much larger if Jones and her party put together a big vision and coherent arguments for running a mega-city in line with Green principles. And because Jones is an excellent London Assembly member who can make a very significant big-stage contribution to the life of this city by shining in the mayoral campaign.

She has launched a campaign website on which she commits herself to spending the next year searching for fresh ideas for London. I'm looking forward to them. Maybe you have a few in mind.

P.S. I wonder who will end up running for the Lib Dems? © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds


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