Monday, April 4, 2011

Devolution and equalities: Holyrood takes lead on gay representation

In both Scotland and Wales, gay rights groups believe the lesbian, gay and bisexual population ? estimated to be 6% of the general population ? is still greatly under-represented in frontline politics

Being gay or lesbian in frontline politics was once taboo, or at best not discussed. But in the Scottish parliament, being lesbian or gay is now unremarked on.

On this ? more so than on ethnic minority representation ? Holyrood has slowly taken a lead. There are four openly gay, lesbian and bisexual members of the Scottish parliament (MSPs), including Patrick Harvie, the co-convenor of the Scottish Green party.

All four are again competing for re-election on 5 May, as are several other lesbian, gay and bisexual candidates from across the parties.

In comparison, no members of the last Welsh assembly were out. It may have broken new ground on gender equality, but Cardiff Bay has been slow to have openly gay or lesbian politicians.

Ron Davies, the former Labour cabinet minister known as the "architect of devolution" in Wales, was a Labour assembly member for Cardiff Bay in the first Welsh assembly.

About 10 years ago, after controversies over his private life, he described himself as bisexual, but is thought to no longer do so. Now remarried, and a father, he is standing for Plaid Cymru, again in the Cardiff Bay seat.

Of more than 230 people standing for the five main parties, there are at least six lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender candidates in Wales standing for the assembly's 60 seats for various parties. But few can expect to be elected.

In both Scotland and Wales, gay rights groups believe the lesbian, gay and bisexual population ? estimated to be 6% of the general population ? is still greatly under-represented in frontline politics.

By that measure, there should be eight LGBT members of the Scottish parliament, and at least three in Wales.

Part of the reason is outright homophobia in some parts of the electorate. A recent attack in south Wales saw one gay candidate's car scratched with homophobic abuse.

But Wales has returned two openly gay MPs ? Adam Price, for Plaid Cymru, and Chris Bryant, for Labour ? to Westminster.

Andrew White, the director of the gay rights campaign group Stonewall Wales, said the absence of openly LGBT AMs was a serious concern.

He recently met the main party leaders, and was heartened by their response, but fears much of the problem lies at constituency level.

"I'm convinced that all four parties at the very top are committed to diversity," he said. "It's just whether the candidates have yet come to a position where they feel they can be public with the electorate."

But the Welsh assembly was the first legislature in the UK to bring into law strict new rules on promoting and protecting equalities ? including gay rights ? in the public sector. As an employer, the assembly is also a "diversity champion" and has a very good record on equalities, Price said.

Among the 129 members of the last Scottish parliament, there were four openly LGBT MSPs from several parties. All four ? Patrick Harvie, the co-leader of the Scottish Greens, Joe FitzPatrick, of the Scottish National party, and Margaret Smith and Iain Smith, both Liberal Democrats, are standing again.

Another well-known Tory candidate, Ruth Davidson, who lives with her female partner, is standing in Glasgow. The SNP candidate for Edinburgh Central, Marco Biagi, is also gay.

Claire Murray, of Stonewall Scotland, said the organisation would like to see LGBT membership at Holyrood get much closer to the population average of 6%.

"In terms of being a workplace, we would hope it would somewhere where people were comfortable being out," she said.

"We know people perform better when they can be themselves and are happy ? for people representing constituencies, that's likely to be even more the case." © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds


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